Sunday, September 14, 2008


The meaning of freedom is something that has not yet been understood by humanity.

Always presented more or less erroneously, very serious mistakes have been made about the concept of freedom.

Certainly, we struggle for a word. We come to absurd conclusions; we commit all types of atrocities and shed blood on the battlefields.

The word freedom is fascinating, the whole world relishes it. Nevertheless, we have not grasped a real understanding of the term, and there is confusion regarding this word.

It is impossible to find a dozen people for whom the word freedom means the same thing, in the same way.

The term freedom can never be understood by subjective rationalism.

Everyone has different ideas about this term; people’s subjective opinions are totally devoid of objective reality.

When the question of freedom is propounded, in each mind there is incoherence, vagueness and incongruity.

I am sure that even Immanuel Kant, author of Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Practical Reason, never analyzed this word to find its exact meaning.

Unquestionably, the term freedom has hypnotized the masses. The mountains and valleys, the rivers and seas have been tainted with the blood conjured up by this magical word.

How many flags, how much blood and how many heroes have come to pass in the course of history whenever the question of freedom has been posed in life’s scenario?

Unfortunately, after achieving independence at such a high price, enslavement continues to exist within each of us.

Who is free? How many have attained this famous freedom? How many have been emancipated? Alas, alas, alas!

Adolescents long for freedom. It seems incredible that while having food, clothing and shelter they should want to flee their homes in the pursuit of freedom.

It is incongruous that a teenage boy who has everything he needs at home is willing to run away, to escape from his abode, fascinated with the term freedom. Strangely, despite enjoying all the comforts of a happy home, he is ready to risk everything he has to travel the world and even come to grief.

It is right that the pariahs in life, the outcasts of society, the poor should be eager to quit the slums and hovels in order to seek a change for the better. Yet, the spoiled child, the mama’s boy, in search of a way out, is paradoxical and even an absurdity. However, this is how it is. The word freedom fascinates and enchants, although no one is able to define it precisely.

It is logical that a young girl wants freedom, longs to move away from home, to marry in order to escape from under the parental roof and lead a better life. This is in part due to her right to be a mother. Nevertheless, once married, she finds she is not free, and with resignation she must bear the shackles of slavery.

A worker, tired of so many regulations, wants to be free. Even if he achieves independence, he soon encounters the problem of continuing to be a slave to his own interests and concerns.

Certainly, each time that we fight for freedom we are disappointed, despite victory.

So much blood is shed pointlessly in the name of freedom while we continue to be slaves of ourselves and of others.

People fight for words they will never understand, although dictionaries give them the grammatical explanations.

Freedom is something that can only be achieved within ourselves. No one can achieve it outside of themselves.

“Riding through the air,” is a very Eastern phrase which allegorizes the sense of genuine freedom.

No one can really experience freedom while their Consciousness remains bottled up inside of the Me, Myself, the “I.”

Understanding the Myself, my persona, what I am, is imperative if we sincerely wish to attain freedom.

There is no way we can destroy the fetters of our enslavement without previously and totally comprehending this question of “mine” and all that concerns the Me, Myself, the “I.” What constitutes slavery? What is it that keeps us enslaved? What are the obstacles? We must discover all of this.

Rich and poor, believers and nonbelievers, all are actually prisoners, although they consider themselves to be free.

We will remain imprisoned, as long as the Consciousness, the Essence, the most dignified and decent part within us remains bottled up inside of the Me, Myself, the “I,” in our cravings and fears, in our desires and passions, our preoccupations and our violence, and in our psychological defects.

The sense of freedom can only be fully understood when we have annihilated the shackles of our very own psychological incarceration.

While the “I” exists, the Consciousness remains imprisoned. Escaping from that prison is only possible through Buddhist Annihilation, dissolving the self, reducing it to ashes, to cosmic dust.

The liberated Consciousness, devoid of the “I,” absolutely absent of ego, without desires, without passions, without cravings and fears, directly experiences true freedom.

Any idea we might have about freedom is not freedom. Those opinions that we hold about freedom are far from reality. The ideas that we form on the subject of freedom have nothing to do with genuine freedom.

Freedom is something that has to be experienced directly, and that is only possible by dying psychologically, dissolving the “I,” ending the Me, Myself forever.

It would do no good to continue dreaming about freedom if we continue being slaves.

It would be better to take a look at ourselves as we really are, carefully observing the fetters of slavery that keep us imprisoned.

Knowing ourselves, seeing what we are inside, we shall discover the door to authentic freedom.

-Chapter 4: Freedom, from The Great Rebellion by Samael Aun Weor

The Antichrist

Dazzling intellectualism, as the manifested functionalism of the psychological "I," is without a doubt the Antichrist.

Those who suppose that the Antichrist is a strange personage born somewhere on the Earth or coming from this or that country are certainly completely mistaken.

We have emphatically stated that the Antichrist is definitely not a particular person, but all people.

Obviously, the Antichrist itself exists deep within each person and expresses itself in many ways.

Intellect which is placed in the service of the Spirit is useful; intellect which is divorced from the Spirit becomes useless.

Villains arise from intellectualism without spirituality: a vivid manifestation of the Antichrist. Obviously, the villain, in and for itself, is the Antichrist.

Unfortunately, the world today with all its tragedies and miseries is governed by the Antichrist. The state of chaos in which modern humanity finds itself is undoubtedly due to the Antichrist.

The iniquitous one, of which Paul of Tarsus spoke in his Epistles, is certainly the harsh reality of our times. The iniquitous one is already here. It manifests itself everywhere; it certainly has the gift of ubiquity.

It argues in cafes, negotiates at the United Nations, sits comfortably in Geneva, conducts experiments in laboratories, invents atomic bombs, remote-controlled missiles, asphyxiating gases, bacteriological bombs, etc., etc., etc.

The Antichrist, fascinated by its own intellectualism, which is absolutely exclusive to know-it-alls, believes that it knows all of the phenomena of Nature.

The Antichrist, believing itself to be omniscient, is trapped in the decay of its own theories. It directly rejects anything resembling God, or that which is worshipped. The self-sufficiency, pride and arrogance of the Antichrist are unbearable. The Antichrist mortally hates the Christian virtues of faith, patience and humility.

Everyone bows before the Antichrist. Obviously, it has invented ultrasonic aircraft, wonderful ships, splendid cars, amazing medicines, etc. Under such conditions, who can doubt the Antichrist?

In this day and age, anyone who dares to speak against all the miracles and wonders of the Son of Perdition condemns himself to everyone's ridicule, sarcasm and irony; he condemns himself to be classified as stupid and ignorant.

It is hard to make serious and studious people understand the former statements. They in and on themselves react and offer resistance.

Clearly, the intellectual animal mistakenly called human being is a robot, programmed at kindergarten, primary and secondary school, college and the university, etc. No one can deny that a programmed robot functions according to its programming. In no way could it function if the program were removed. The Antichrist has produced the program with which the humanoid robots of these decadent times are programmed.

Making these clarifications, emphasizing what I am saying, is frightfully difficult, as this is not in the program. No humanoid robot would admit things that are not in the program. The absorption of the mind is so tremendous and serious a matter that a humanoid robot will never even remotely suspect that the program is useless; he has been organized according to that program and to doubt it seems like heresy, something incongruous and absurd. For a robot to doubt its own program is absurd, an absolute impossibility, because its very existence depends upon that program.

Unfortunately, things are not as humanoid robots think they are. There is another science, another wisdom, which they find unacceptable. The humanoid robot reacts, and rightly so, as it is not programmed to deal with another science or another culture, or anything else that differs from its well-known program.

The Antichrist has prepared the programs of the humanoid robot and the robot humbly prostrates itself before its master. How could a robot possibly doubt the wisdom of its master?

A child is born innocent and pure. The Essence expressing itself through each child is exceedingly precious. Without a doubt, Nature deposits in the brain of newborns all the wild, natural, sylvan, cosmic and spontaneous information indispensable for the capture or comprehension of truths. These are contained in any natural phenomena perceivable by the senses. This means that a new born baby can discover by itself the reality of each natural phenomenon. Regrettably, the Antichrist's program interferes with it, and the marvelous qualities placed by Nature in the brains of the newborns are soon destroyed. The Antichrist prohibits different ways of thinking; all babies that are born must be programmed by order of the Antichrist.

There is no doubt that the Antichrist mortally hates that precious sense of the Being known as the 'faculty of instinctive perception of cosmic truths.'

Pure science, different from the decaying university theories which exist here, there and everywhere, is something inadmissible for the Antichrist's robots.

Many wars, famines and diseases have been propagated by the Antichrist throughout the world, and no doubt they will continue to be propagated before the arrival of the final catastrophe. Unfortunately, the hour of the great apostasy has arrived (that time announced by all the prophets), and no human being will dare to rise up against the Antichrist.

-Chapter 9: The Antichrist, from The Great Rebellion by Samael Aun Weor

The Intimate Christ

Christ is the Fire of the Fire, the Flame of the Flame, the Astral Signature of fire.

Upon the cross of the Martyr of Calvary, the mystery of Christ is defined in one word, consisting of four letters: INRI - Ignis, Natura, Renovatur Integra - Fire Renews Nature Unceasingly.

The Advent of Christ into the heart of the human being transforms us radically.

Christ is the Solar Logos, the Perfect Multiple Unity. Christ is life which beats throughout the entire universe. Christ is what is, what always has been and what shall always be.

Much has been said about the Cosmic Drama; without a question, this Drama is made up of four Gospels.

We have been told that the Cosmic Drama was brought to Earth by the Elohim. The great lord of Atlantis acted out that drama in flesh and bone.

The great Kabir Jesus also had to play out the same drama publicly in the Holy Land.

Even if Christ were born a thousand times in Bethlehem, it would serve no purpose if he were not born within our hearts as well.

Although he died and was resurrected on the third day among the dead, this serves no purpose if he does not die and resurrect within our hearts as well.

To attempt to discover the nature and essence of fire is to try to discover God whose real presence has always been revealed secretly as an igneous aspect.

The burning bush (Exodus 3:2) and the fire at Sinai immediately after the issuances of the Decalogue (Exodus 19:18) are both manifestations in which God appeared to Moses.

Saint John describes the Master of the universe (Revelation: 4: 3, 5) as one who had the appearance of Jasper and Sardine Stone, the color of a flame, seated on an incandescent and shining throne.

For our God is a consuming fire, writes Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Hebrews 12: 29.

(Eheieh Asher Eheieh - "I Am That I Am")

The Intimate Christ, the Heavenly Fire, must be born within us and, indeed, He is born when we have advanced sufficiently in the psychological work.

From our psychological nature, the Intimate Christ must eliminate the very causes of error, the Causal "I's."

As long as the Intimate Christ has not been born within us, the dissolution of the causes of the ego would not be possible.

The Living and Philosophical Fire, the Intimate Christ, is the Fire of the Fire, the Purest of the Pure.

Fire envelops and bathes us totally; it comes to us through the air, through water and through the earth itself. These are its preservers and its diverse vehicles.

The Heavenly Fire must crystallize within us. It is the Intimate Christ, our profound innermost Savior.

The Intimate Lord must take charge of our psyche, the five cylinders of the organic machine, all our mental, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual processes.

-Chapter 23: The Intimate Christ, from The Great Rebellion by Samael Aun Weor

The Christic Work

The Intimate Christ emerges internally in the Work related to the dissolution of the psychological self.

Obviously, the Innermost Christ only comes at the height of our deliberate efforts and voluntary sufferings.

The Advent of Christic Fire is the most important event of our own life.

The Intimate Christ then takes charge of all our mental, emotional, motor, instinctual and sexual processes.

He is perfect, however, when he incarnates within us, He would appear to be imperfect. Being chaste, He would seem not to be chaste. Being just, it would appear as though He were not just.

This is similar to the different wavelengths of light. If we wear blue spectacles, everything appears blue, and if we wear red we see everything as that color.

Although He is white light, seen from the outside, each one of us will view Him through the psychological glass through which we are looking. For this reason, people looking at Him do not see Him.

Upon taking over all of our psychological processes, the Lord of Perfection suffers indescribably.

Transformed into a human being among humans, he undergoes many trials and endures unspeakable temptations.

Temptation is fire. The triumph over temptation is Light.

The Initiate must learn to live dangerously, thus it is written. This is known by Alchemists.

The Initiate must travel, with determination, along the Path of the Razor's Edge. There are terrifying abysses on either side of this difficult road.

On the difficult path to the dissolution of the ego, there are complex passages which have their roots precisely in the real path.

Obviously, from the Path of the Razor's Edge multiple paths diverge which lead to nowhere. Some of them take us to the abyss and to despair.

There are paths which can transform us into the majesties of this or that zone of the universe. However, they can never return us to the bosom of the Eternal Universal Cosmic Father.

There are fascinating paths of a most holy, ineffable appearance; unfortunately, they can only lead us into the submerged devolution of the infernal worlds.

In the work of the dissolution of the "I," we need to devote ourselves completely to the Innermost Christ.

At times, problems appear which are difficult to resolve. Suddenly the path is lost in inexplicable labyrinths and we do not know where it continues. Only absolute obedience to the Innermost Christ and the Father who is in secret can, in such instances, wisely guide us.

The Path of the Razor's Edge is full of danger, both inside and out.

Conventional morals serve no purpose; morality is a slave to custom, time and place.

What was moral in ages past is now immoral; what was moral in the Middle Ages, in these modern times, can be immoral; that which is considered moral in one country is immoral in another, etc.

In the Work of the dissolution of the Ego, it sometimes happens that when we think we are doing well, we are in fact doing badly.

Changes are essential during esoteric progress, but reactionary people remain trapped in the past, petrified in time, and they thunder and flash against us as we achieve deep psychological progress and radical changes.

People cannot bear the changes in an Initiate; they want him to continue to be petrified in many yesterdays.

Any change achieved by an Initiate is immediately classified as immoral.

Looking at things from this angle, in the light of the Christic Work, we can clearly prove the ineffectiveness of the diverse moral codes which have been written throughout the world.

Unquestionably, the Christ, manifested though hidden in the heart of the real human, once he takes charge of our diverse psychological states, is actually labeled as cruel, immoral and perverse because people do not know him.

It is paradoxical that although people worship the Christ, they classify him with such appalling labels.

Obviously, people who are unconscious and asleep only want an anthropormorphic, historic Christ of statues and unbreakable dogmas in whom they can easily fit all their clumsy, stale moral codes and all their prejudices and conditions.

People can never conceive of the Intimate Christ in the heart of the human being. The masses only worship the statue of Christ, that is all.

When one speaks to the multitudes, when one declares the harsh reality of the Revolutionary Christ to them, the Red Christ, the Rebel Christ, one is immediately labeled as the following: blasphemous, heretical, evil, profane, sacrilegious, etc.

Thus, the masses are always unconscious, forever asleep. Now we can understand why the crucified Christ on Golgotha exclaimed with all the strength of his soul, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Christ himself being one, appears as many. This is why it is said that he is the Perfect Multiple Unity. For whosoever knows, the Word gives power to. No one has uttered it, no one will utter it, except the one who has the Verb incarnated.

To incarnate the Christ is vital in the advanced work of the pluralized "I."

The Lord of Perfection works within us as we consciously strive in the Work upon ourselves.

The work which the Intimate Christ must do within our psyche is terrifyingly painful.

It is true that our Innermost Master must live through his Way of the Cross in the very depths of our own soul.

It is written, "Strike with thy rod while thou beg to thy God." It is also written, "Help thyself when thou art in thy greatest need, and God shalt assist thee."

To implore the Divine Mother Kundalini is fundamental when we attempt to dissolve undesirable psychic aggregates. However, the Intimate Christ, in the utmost depths of the myself, operates wisely in accordance with His own responsibilities which He, Himself has taken upon His shoulders.

-Chapter 24: The Christic Work, from The Great Rebellion by Samael Aun Weor

The Superman

One codex of Anahuac states that, "The Gods created humans of wood, and after having created them, fused them with divinity." But later adds, "Not all humans achieve integration with divinity.

Unquestionably, before integrating the human being with that which is the reality, what is first of all necessary is to create the Human Being.

The intellectual animal (mistakenly called a human being) is in no manner a Human Being.

If we compare a Human Being with the intellectual animal, then we can verify for ourselves the concrete fact that, although the intellectual animal physically resembles a Human Being, psychologically he is absolutely different.

Unfortunately, everyone thinks incorrectly, they presume they are Humans, qualifying themselves as such.

We have always believed that a Human Being is the king of creation. So far, the intellectual animal has not shown that he is even the king of himself. If he is not a king of his own psychological processes, if he cannot direct them at will, much less will he be able to govern Nature.

We cannot in any way accept a human being turned into a slave, incapable of governing himself, having been changed into a toy of the bestial forces of Nature.

Either we are kings of the universe or we are not. With reference to the latter, unquestionably, the concrete fact that we have not yet reached the state of Human Being has been proven.

The Sun has deposited the seeds within the sexual glands of the intellectual animal in order to germinate a Human Being.

Obviously, such seeds can develop or be ultimately lost.

If we want those seeds to develop, it is essential to cooperate with the efforts that the Sun is making in order to create Humans.

An authentic Human Being must work intensively with the clear purpose of eliminating from within himself the undesirable elements which he carries inside.

If the real Human Being does not eliminate such elements from himself, he will then fail lamentably. He will become a miscarriage of the Cosmic Mother, a failure.

A Human Being who truly works on himself with the purpose of awakening Consciousness can integrate with divinity.

Indeed, the Solar Human Being integrated with divinity is actually converted into a Super Human Being by his own right.

To become a Super Human Being, a Superman, is not easy. There is no doubt that the road which leads to the Superman is beyond good and evil.

A thing is good when it suits us and bad when it does not. Within the rhythms of poetry, crime is also concealed. There is much virtue in the villain and much evil in the virtuous.

The road which leads to the Superman is the Path of the Razor's Edge. This path is filled with dangers from both within and without.

Evil is dangerous and good is also dangerous. The frightening path is beyond good and evil; it is terribly cruel.

Any moral code can detain us on our way toward the SUPER-MAN. Attachments to such and such yesterdays, to such and such scenes, can halt us on the road which leads to the Superman.

However wise norms and procedures may be, they can obstruct us in our progress toward becoming a Superman if they are bottled up in this or that fanaticism, in this or that prejudice, or in this or that idea.

The Superman can distinguish good from evil and evil from good; he grasps the sword of cosmic justice and is beyond both good and evil.

The Superman, having liquidated within himself all good and evil values, has become someone whom nobody understands; he is the ray, the flame of the Universal Spirit of life, resplendent in the countenance of Moses.

In every refuge on the path, some anchorite gives his offerings to the SUPER-MAN, but the latter continues on his way beyond the good intentions of anchorites.

That which was spoken about by people beneath the sacred portals of the temples has great beauty; however, the Superman is beyond the pious sayings of people.

The Superman is the lightning and his word is the thunder which disintegrates the powers of good and evil.

The Superman shines in the darkness, but darkness hates the Superman.

The masses qualify the Superman as perverse for the very fact that he does not fit in with indisputable dogmas, neither within pious phrases, nor within the upright morality of serious people.

People abhor the Superman. They crucify him amongst criminals because they do not understand him, because they prejudge him, viewing him through the psychological lenses of what is believed to be holy, even if it is evil.

The Superman is like a flash of lightning which falls over the perverse, or like the brilliance of something which is not understood and is later lost in mystery.

The Superman is not a saint, nor is he perverse; he is beyond sanctity and perversity. Nevertheless, people qualify him as holy or perverse.

The Superman glimmers for a moment within the darkness of this world and soon afterwards disappears forever.

Within the Superman, the Red Christ, the Revolutionary Christ, the Lord of the Great Rebellion radiantly shines.

-Chapter 28: The Superman, from "The Great Rebellion" by Samael Aun Weor

The Holy Grail

The Holy Grail shines in the deep night of all the ages. During the Crusades, the Medieval Knights searched fruitlessly for the Holy Grail in the Holy Land, but they never found it.

When the prophet Abraham returned from war against the kings of Sodom and Gomorra, it is said that he encountered Melchizedeck, the Genie of the Earth. Certainly, this great Being dwelled in a fortress situated exactly in the place where, much later, Jerusalem, the city beloved by the Prophets was built.

Centuries of legend have it that Abraham celebrated the Gnostic Unction with the sharing of bread and wine in the presence of Melchizedeck. This is know to both divine and humans alike.

It would be worthwhile to say that at that time Abraham surrendered tithes and his first fruits to Melchizedeck, as is written in the Book of the Law.

Abraham received the Holy Grail from the hands of Melchizedeck. Much later in time, this Goblet ended up in the temple of Jerusalem.

There is no doubt that the Queen of Shiba served as a mediator at this event. She appeared before King Solomon with the Holy Grail, and only after subjecting him to rigorous tests did she deliver unto him so precious a jewel.

The Great Kabir Jesus drank from that Goblet in the holy ceremony of the last supper, just as is written in the Four Gospels.

Joseph of Arimethaea filled the chalice with blood which flowed from the wounds of the Adored One on Mount Calvary.

When the Roman police searched the abode of this Senator, they did not find this precious jewel.

Not only did the Roman Senator hide this precious jewel in the ground, but he alos kept with it the spear of Longinus with which the Roman centurion had pierced the side of the Lord.

Joseph of Arimethaea was incarcerated in a dreadful prison for not wanting to hand over the Holy Grail.

When said Senator was let out of jail, he went to Rome, taking the Holy Grail with him.

Arriving in Rome, Joseph of Arimathaea encountered the persecution of Christians by Nero, and he left by the shores of the Meditarranean.

One night while sleeping, an Angel appeared to him and said, “This Chalice holds great power because within it can be found the blood of the Redeemer of the World.” Joseph of Arimathaea, obeying the Angel’s orders, buried the Chalice in a temple located in Montserrat, in Cataluna, Spain.

With time, this Chalice has become invisible, together with the temple and part of the mountain.

The Holy Grail is the Vessel of Hermes, the Cup of Solomon, the precious urn of all the temples of Mysteries.

The Holy Grail was never missing from the Altar-stone of the Alliance, in the form of a cup or goblet within which was placed the manna from the desert.

The Holy Grail emphatically allegorizes the female Yoni. Within this holy cup is the nectar of immortality, the Soma of the mystics, the supreme drink of the Holy Gods.

The Red Christ drinks from the Holy Grail at the supreme hour of Christification, so it is written in the Gospel of the Lord.

Never is the Holy Grail missing from the Altar of the Temple. Obviously, a priest must drink the wine of light from the sacred Cup.

It would be absurd to imagine a Temple of Mysteries within which the blessed Cup of all ages is missing.

This brings to mind Guinevere, the Queen of Jinn Knights, who poured wine into the delicious cups of SUFRA and MANTI for Lancelot.

Immortal Gods nourish themselves with the drink contained within the Sacred Cup; those who hate the Blessed Cup blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.

The Superman must nourish himself with the nectar of immortality, which is contained in the divine Chalice of the Temple.

Transmutation of the creative energy is fundamental when one wishes to drink from the Sacred Vessel.

The Red Christ, always revolutionary, always rebellious, always heroic, always triumphant, raises a toast to the Gods when drinking from the Golden Chalice.

Raise your cup aloft and take care not to spill even a drop of the precious wine.

Remember that our motto is Thelema (willpower).

From within the depths of the Chalice (the symbolic figure of the female sexual organ) flames spring forth which blaze on the glowing face of the real human being.

Ineffable Gods of all the galaxies always drink of the nectar of immortality in the eternal Chalice.

In time, the chill of the Moon brings about devolution. It is necessary to drink from the sacred wine of light in the Holy Vessel of Alchemy.

The purple of the sacred kings, the royal crown and flaming gold are only for the Red Christ.

The Lord of Lightning and Thunder grasps the Holy Grail in his right hand and drinks the wine of gold to nourish himself.

In fact, those who spill the Vessel of Hermes during chemical copulation become sub-human creatures of the underworld.

Everything which has been written here can be found fully documented in my book entitled The Perfect Matrimony.

-Chapter 29: The Holy Grail, from “The Great Rebellion” by Samael Aun Weor